One of the things that we love about running a website is all of the great comments that we get from our readers. Even if we don’t always respond to each one, please be assured that we do read each and every one of them. Today there were several comments that we wanted to respond to, so we thought that we would make a post out of our responses. The readers below have brought up some controversial issues, and that is perfectly okay. As we follow the Lord God and look forward to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the truth is that we are not going to always agree on everything. And that is okay. If we let divisions over debatable issues divide us, then we are not going to be able to stand together when it really counts. So let the major things be major and the minor things be minor. There never will be a time when all of us agree 100 percent on every single detail in Scripture. But we all should be able to agree on the major things such as who God is, what God’s Word is and what the plan of salvation is (hopefully).
In any event, we have posted some reader comments and our responses to them below. If you find something that you don’t agree with us about, that is okay. In fact, we would love for you to send us your thoughts. Hopefully we can all learn from each other.
So here we go….
A reader named Nuncio recently commented on our article entitled “The Equality Bill: Will A New Law Essentially Outlaw Evangelical Christianity And Roman Catholicism In The U.K.?”
His comments about this article are posted below….
This is absolutely ridiculous, I have no problem with homosexuals but when did the minority get to speak for the majority? The same applies for the new smoking regulations, is the british government hell bent on waging war agaist those who do not agree with them. I was never a tory but I am now willing to change my mind.
Can you imagine the reprocussions in Northern Ireland? Unionists are mostly members of ProtestanT churches which condemn the act of homosexuality and the Nationalist/Republicans are mostly Roman Catholic, if the government think any laws which persecute the churches right to preach and follow the laws of JESUS CHRIST, they are in for a rude awakening.
This all stinks of aethiest militancy.
Anglicans as a majority do not agree with homosexual clergy and they are meant to be the state religion in the UK.
It all appears that Labour are trying to save their necks by appealing to the minorities.
God help us all, I will not remain in this country if the state decide they can control the churches.
Any act against God is an act of war against the Lord of All Authority, yes I will willingly join all the sons and daughters of Christ in jail when they speak out against what is unnatural.
In our opinion, Nuncio is absolutely right. This new “Equality Bill” threatens to systematically destroy traditional Christianity in the United Kingdom. Political correctness is completely out of control over there right now, and this new law would open the door for a flood of discrimination lawsuits against churches and Christian organizations. It would force churches and Christian organizations to hire gays, transvestites, porn addicts, swingers and every other kind of deviant that you can possibly imagine.
The dangers of this bill should not be underestimated. In fact, this bill is so incredibly bad that even the Pope spoke out about it recently. Now, we don’t put much stock in what the Pope has to say, but the fact that even he is speaking out about it shows just how alarming this piece of legislation is.
Moving on, a reader named Michael was thankful for our use of the name “Yahshua” but was concerned about our use of other English names for God….
I couldn’t agree more. Very insightful. I am so glad to see you use The Name of our Savior (Yahsuah). It would be equally respectful to do the same for our Creator (Yahweh) as well. Thank You. In His Name.
The truth is that this is a very controversial area. When Yahshua (Jesus) was on this earth, His disciples did not call him “Jesus”. In fact, the letter “J” was not even in the Hebrew alphabet. Neither was it in the English alphabet until the Middle Ages. So what did His disciples call Him? Well, they called him “Yahshua” which means “God saves” or “God is our salvation”.
However, there is much disagreement over the exact spelling and exact pronunciation of that name. Some people believe it should be “Yeshua”. Others believe that it should be “Yahushua”.
Well, we believe that “Yahshua” is the correct rendering, but we certainly respect people who feel differently. In addition, the reality is that sometimes we use the name of “Jesus” as well.
You see, the truth is that God does miracles in the name of “Yahshua” and in the name of “Jesus”. People have been raised from the dead in various areas of the world in recent years in the name of “Jesus”.
So we do realize that this is a complicated issue, and we do try to use the proper Hebrew names, but there are times when we also use the English version of the names. We hope that this will not cause too much confusion, and if you disagree with us on this point we certainly do understand.
A reader named Terri was excited to see our support for the nation of Israel….
At last!!!! Someone who knows the truth and is happy to declare it for others to also read.
Thanks to folk like you who can see EXACTLY what is going on and how it relates to Biblical prophecies.
At last someone is speaking out to put the real picture of God’s heart and intentions for Israel into focus. God loves the Palestinians but the land of Israel was for Israel and is for Israel and always will be for Israel – for the Jews – His chosen ones. This means it can never be divided up or given away to anyone else for ANY REASON no matter how WE humans may look at it with our extremely limited understanding!! God will seriously judge anyone and any nation who will try to tamper with His plan. God’s ways are not our ways. When will people realise and respect this!!
If Christians read and BELIEVED their bibles they would start to defend the rights of the Jews to their own land – Israel belongs to God’s chosen people – the Jews. Let’s do things GOD’s way instead of getting caught up in the world’s ignorant, unbelieving ways!! There is a BIG difference. The truth sets you free.
Bless ya and keep up the great work!
Thank you Terri – we definitely stand with the state of Israel and we try to highlight the fact that God has a big plan for the land of Israel in the last days.
Giving away the land of Israel (and especially the city of Jerusalem) is something that is very displeasing to God, and yet politicians all over the world seem determined to do it.
But not all readers agree with our views on the land of Israel.
For example, Gamla recently shared a unique perspective about the Palestinians….
“Israel should not be giving away one square inch of the land that God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
I agree…but the Jews who are occupying the land currently are descendants of only 2 (mostly) 3 tribes of the old nation of Israel which comprised of 12 tribes. The Jews have been named after the House of Judah (Judah, Benjamin, Levi) who ruled the southern kingdom after the split of the Combined Kingdom (ie 12 tribes) from the northern kingdom which included 10 tribes. The northern kingdom was actually called House of Israel because Jacob(Israel) has given the “birthright” of the kingdom to his son Joseph through his sons Ephraim and Manasseh (2 of the 10 northern tribes). See Genesis for a detailed explanation of the blessings Jacob/Israel gave his sons (the patriachs of 12 tribes of Israel) before his death.
Some of the people of the southern kindom of Judah returned to Palestine after their Babylonian exile but the 10 northern tribes NEVER returned after being taken captive by the Assyrians…we read in the Bible that these tribes were “lost” into the nations of the world.
so, to make a long story short…Biblically speaking, the house of Judah can never claim the whole of Israel as their land, for they would need to be re-united with the House of Israel (the 10 lost tribes of the north) for it to be accepted before God.
Further, through DNA evidence it has been shown that the current day palestinians are direct blood relatives of the northern kingdom…
the only solution in the eyes of God which would be just, would be for the Jews and Palestinians to live in ONE land…diverse in culture and language but united as a nation (see South Africa as reference on how divided “tribes” became one nation)
We agree with Gamla that the Jews living in the land of Israel today are descended primarily from the Southern Kingdom that returned from exile in Babylon, but we fundamentally disagree with the notion that the ten lost tribes are the Palestinians. The truth is that much of the Northern Kingdom escaped the invading Assyrian armies by fleeing by sea to other points throughout the Mediterranean. In fact, colonists from the Northern Kingdom (often in conjunction with their northern neighbors the Phoenicians) had been settling in areas around the Mediterranean Sea for centuries even before the Assyrian invasion. Other groups from the Northern Kingdom were able to travel by land into Europe. A large group was taken into exile when Assyria did finally conquer the Northern Kingdom, but they never came back.
So while there may be a few Palestinians that are related by blood to the Northern Kingdom, the truth is that it is probably very, very few. As far as “DNA tests” go, where did they find a descendant of the ten lost tribes to test to compare with the Palestinians? We believe that it is a fundamental error to try to connect the Palestinians with the ten lost tribes of Israel. They are primarily Muslims of Arabic descent and they have no claim on the land that God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
If you have other comments or questions for us we would love to hear them. We will try to do a better job of answering them as we move forward. We thank all of you for being readers of our site, and we hope that you will help us by spreading the word about our site to as many people as you can.
Michael & Meranda