Is it wrong for Christians to fear that the “Mark of the Beast” could be implemented in our lifetimes? Is there any reason to believe that mandatory microchipping of the population is on the horizon?
Well, although there are no known plans by any government in the world to microchip their populations, the technology does exist, and several recent trends seem to indicate that the day when we will see mandatory microchipping of the population is closer than ever.
For example, a shocking new U.S. government plan would embed an RFID chip in all driver’s licenses. Just when privacy advocates thought that the REAL ID program was dead, the federal government has come up with something far, far more sinister.
If this proposal is implemented, the U.S. government would be able to electronically track nearly every adult citizen wherever they go. The possibilities for abuse of such a system are endless. For example, the government would be able to compile attendance lists at anti-government rallies just by walking through the crowd with an ID reader.
This very disturbing proposal actually has the support of Janet Napolitano, the new head of the Department of Homeland Security. Instead of calling them REAL IDs, these new licenses would be called “enhanced driver’s licenses”.
The Department of Homeland Security even has a web page up about these “enhanced driver’s licenses”. On that page they even admit that these new licenses will contain an RFID chip that “will signal a computer to pull up your biographic and biometric data” and could tell a government agent all of your personal details.
Do any of find this disturbing yet?
Of course this is not the Mark of the Beast yet, but it is another step in that direction.
As you read this, RFID chips are being implanted into humans with alarming frequency. For instance, RFID implants are being implanted in older Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease who are at risk of wandering off. RFID human implants are also being used in some areas to store the medical records of patients who are chronically ill so that doctors can get their information quickly in an emergency.
While those uses may sound “good” or “reasonable”, the truth is that the primary use of this technology is to create a “Big Brother” society where everything that you do is tracked, traced and watched by the government. Every time this technology expands, it brings us closer to that day that we read about in the book of Revelation.
PC Magazine is even advocating the microchipping of humans. In a recent article, one of their writers stated this: “It’s high time we embraced RFID technology in all its permutations, even personal implants.”
The author of that article even advocated the microchipping of our children.
Chip implants can even manipulate human emotions and feelings. In fact, in one very bizarre application of this technology, scientists in the U.K. are developing an electronic “sex chip” that can be implanted into the brain to stimulate pleasure.
Other more sinister microchip experiments by scientists around the world involve mind control. Do any of you find it disturbing that the majority of the population could one day be “mind controlled” by the government through mandatory microchip implants?
The use of microchip technology in humans could open the door to abuses that we could hardly even imagine right now.
The reality is that microchipping is becoming commonplace in the United States. Hospitals, private corporations and security firms are increasingly viewing human microchipping as the most foolproof form of identification.
In particular, financial institutions are eyeing microchip technology as a key to fraud prevention.
The biggest credit card provider in the U.K. says that the plan is for everyone to start paying for their purchases with a microchip instead of a credit card very soon.
“In time you won’t have to carry a plastic credit card around with you if you don’t want to, although some people will chose to for nostalgic reasons,” Barclaycard Chief Executive Officer Antony Jenkins stated recently.
This is just another small step towards the day when everyone in society will be forced to get chipped.
While we are not forced to be chipped yet, the same is not true for some animals in the United States.
Under the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), the FDA is going to start requiring the microchipping of certain types of farm animals and livestock. The homeless, hospital patients and employees of certain corporations are being microchipped in some areas of the United States. This is a technology that is spreading and is not going to go away.
Will you take a microchip someday when the government requires you to do so?
Will you willingly take the chip when they come for you?
It may be really easy to resist it when they introduce it on a voluntary basis at first.
But will you resist it when you cannot have a bank account without it?
Will you resist when you cannot buy or sell without it?
What will you do?
Where will you live?
How will you buy food?
Will you resist when they start putting people without the chip into camps?
Will you resist when they start waterboarding you?
What about when they threaten to put a nail through your eye?
What about when they put you in a cramped, windowless cell and they turn out all the lights and they let dozens of hungry rats in?
What about when they start torturing your children right in front of you?
Will you still resist then?
Will you still resist when they threaten to burn all of your skin off with acid and then throw you into a blazing fire?
Would it be worth it for you to resist?
Why not just make things easy on yourself and take the chip and then you can stay in your house and buy and sell and you can go to work and live normally and the new world order will get of your back?
Perhaps you think that you will never have to face such a choice.
But the Scriptures say that everyone will face this kind of a choice in the last days.
It will be known as “the Mark of the Beast” and we don’t know exactly what form it will take, but Revelation 13:16-17 tells us that if you do not have it on your right hand or your forehead you will not be able to buy or sell without it…..
He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Revelation 14:9-11 tells us the ultimate destiny for ANYONE who takes the Mark of the Beast:
A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.”
Will you have the power to resist the Mark of the Beast in the last days?
There are some who will.
Only those who have given their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ will have the power to resist when that day comes. We urge you to invite Him into your life today.