As if California didn’t have enough problems, a 26 foot tall Buddha weighing almost fifteen tons has been installed across the street from the city hall of San Francisco and will remain there through 2011.  This piece of “art” is a sculpture by Zhang Huan entitled Three Heads Six Arms”.  This piece is Zhang’s largest sculpture to date, and the San Francisco art community is extremely excited that this piece is going to be displayed in their city.

In fact, on the website that has the official announcement about the dedication of this “sculpture”, San Francisco May Gavin Newsom sounded absolutely thrilled to have this idol sitting directly across from city hall….

“The installation of Zhang Huan’s spectacular sculpture in the Civic Center marks a high point in the Shanghai-San Francisco Sister City 30th Anniversary Celebration and a milestone for the San Francisco Arts Commission,” said Mayor Gavin Newsom. “By bringing this incredible work of art to the City, we underscore Shanghai and San Francisco’s bond as two of the world’s most important centers for arts and culture.”

Hopefully at this point alarm bells are going off for you.

Is there a problem when a city puts up a 15 ton Buddha right across from city hall?

Yes, of course there is a problem.

But shouldn’t we appreciate art?

Isn’t a statue okay as long as we don’t worship it ourselves?

Well, no.

Absolutely not.

So what does God think about San Francisco putting up a 26 foot tall Buddha in the center of the city?

In the Scriptures, we find that God severely denounces idols all the way from Genesis to Revelation.

It doesn’t matter if you worship the giant Buddha or not.  Any idol is an abomination in the eyes of God.

In fact, we are told in Revelation 9:20 that there will still be widespread idolatry in the last days….

The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

But today, it has become so “fashionable” to put up little buddhas in your home.

In fact, you can find little buddha statues in stores all across America.

And Christians act as if they could care less about all these idols.

But God cares.

What in the world is happening to this nation?

It seems like California almost revels in the fact that they are leading the way into moral depravity.

For example, the San Francisco Chronicle the other day ran an article about what a great thing it is that more lesbian couples are choosing to become “moms”.

Not only that, but Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (from California) is now claiming that it is cheaper to treat teens for drug use than it is to interdict drugs being smuggled across the border.



But this is what we have come to expect from the state of California.

Hollywood is a cesspool of godlessness and sin.  The television shows and movies that are being produced there are leading the whole world into wickedness.  In addition, California has produced more pornography than anywhere else in the world for decades.

California just keeps piling up sin after sin after sin after sin as if none of it will ever catch up with them.

But perhaps someday it all will. 

The number of earthquakes greater than magnitude 4.0 in Southern California has increased significantly in 2010.  In fact, there have been 70 earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater in the region so far in 2010.

That is extremely troubling, because there were only 30 such earthquakes in all of 2009 and only 29 such earthquakes in all of 2008.

So considering the fact that we have already had 70 this year and it is only April is a really troubling sign.

California should be repenting for their sins, but instead they are setting up a 26 foot tall statue of Buddha and they are pumping out record setting amounts of pornography.

We will all just have to wait and see how all that ends up turning out.

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