Home Bible Studies Are Being Banned In Many Areas Of The United States

Are home Bible studies slowly being made illegal in many areas of the United States?  Unfortunately, the headline above is not a joke.  It is actually happening in many areas of the country.  Many of you who are reading this have already seen some of the headlines.  It just seems so bizarre that authorities are spending their time and resources going after home Bible studies when there are so many other problems out there right now.  But it is happening.

Ever since the United States was created, people have gathered in their homes to study the Bible and worship God together.  There has never been a time when such meetings in homes have been against the law.

Until now.

For example, it is being reported that a home Bible study group in Rancho Cucamonga, California must have a “Conditional Use Permit” by Good Friday, April 2nd, in order to continue gathering.

This is for a Friday Bible study that only has an average of 15 people attend.

Do the authorities there really need to spend time, money and resources to stop a 15 person Bible study?

No wonder this nation is spinning wildly out of control.

But sadly there are more examples of this phenomenon.

One town in Arizona has actually banned absolutely all church meetings in private homes.


The pastor of the Oasis of Truth Church received a cease and desist letter ordering him to terminate all religious meetings in his home, regardless of their size, nature, or frequency.

So how many members does this horribly threatening church have?

7 members.

But apparently the town of Gilbert, Arizona is prepared to go all out to keep these 7 adults and their children from having Bible studies in their homes.

What in the world has happened to the United States of America?

The truth is that we need to be able to meet in our homes.  The home church movement in America is growing, because most of the “establishment churches” have sold out and have abandoned the gospel long ago.

But in the new America the churches that sell out and conform to worldly standards are the ones that get approval from the establishment.

For example, many national leaders are absolutely thrilled that the Episcopal Church has confirmed the election of an Annapolis, Maryland priest as the first openly lesbian bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

But churches and Christian organizations that try to live according to God’s standards increasingly find themselves being persecuted.

In fact, a new bill before Congress would prohibit Christian adoption agencies from refusing to adopt to gay and lesbian couples.

So would that cause a large number of Christian adoption agencies to shut down?

Of course.

But they don’t care.

The truth is that America is increasingly becoming a hostile place for Christians.

But America is not alone.

The world is becoming an increasingly hostile place for Christians, but this is exactly what Yahshua (Jesus) told us would happen in the last days.

Persecution of Christians is only going to get worse from here on out, so you better buckle up and get ready.

This is going to be quite a ride.

Jesus Christ Is The Only Way To Salvation

The church in America is a complete and total mess.  A shocking new poll of the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States has revealed that only 39 percent of the members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.

39 percent?

Yes, 39 percent.

This figure comes from the latest “Religious and Demographic Profile of Presbyterians” report which was recently released by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

What is even more stunning is that when you look at only the pastors, the numbers are even lower.

Only 35 percent of the pastors surveyed agreed with the statement that “only followers of Jesus Christ can be saved.”

So almost two-thirds of the pastors in the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States believe that there are other ways to be saved other than through Jesus Christ.

At this point it would be really east to jump all over the Presbyterians, but the truth is that this type of apostasy is common in many Christian denominations.

For example, USA Today recently reported on an almost unbelievable new survey that found that 52 percent of American Christians believe that eternal life is not exclusively for those who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

So not only do a majority of Presbyterians not believe that Jesus is the only path for salvation, a majority of Christians throughout the United States believe this as well.

In fact, a different survey taken last year by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life found that 57 percent of evangelical Christians in the U.S. believe that “many religions can lead to eternal life”.

What in the world?

What is happening in our churches?

How far have we gotten from the basics of the Christian faith?

In John 14:6, Jesus told us the following….

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

There is no other way to salvation.

Just think about it for a minute.

If there was any other way for our sins to be forgiven, then why did Jesus need to die on the cross?

If there were many other ways to salvation, then the death of Jesus on the cross was totally unnecessary.

Jesus could have simply come down to earth, pointed out a bunch of other ways to get to heaven, and then could have gone back up to heaven without ever having to deal with the cross.

But the truth is that there was no other way for our sins to be paid for.

Jesus Christ, being the sinless Son of God, died on the cross to pay for the sins of all humanity.

All other religions reject this, and most of them involve jumping through “hoops” and doing good works of some kind or another in order to try to obtain the favor of a deity.

But the reality is that without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ there is no path to heaven.

Without Jesus to pay for our sins we are all still guilty.

Why can’t Christians in the United States understand this?

The truth is that the church in America is a complete and total mess.  But we knew that these days would come.  2 Timothy 4:3 tells us this…..

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

There were also other results from the PC(USA) survey that were almost equally as shocking.  Just consider these numbers….

*Only one in six members and even fewer ministers believe that the Bible is to be taken literally, word for word.

*Only 44 percent say that they have had a “conversion experience” when they committed themselves to Christ.

So what are we to make of all this?

The reality is that the PC(USA) is not the only denomination out there that is a total mess.

Most churches do not teach Biblical Christianity anymore.

Most churches do not teach the basics of the Christian faith.

Perhaps you attend one of those churches.

If you are confused about what the Bible says about God and about salvation, then we encourage you to check out the new website that we are putting together that answers some of the most basic questions about the Christian faith.

In particular, we would encourage you to read an article that we put together entitled “What Does The Bible Say About Salvation?”

The truth is that the Bible is very clear about God’s plan of salvation, and it is the most important message that any of us will ever hear.  If you do not know where you would go if you died tonight, please do not let another day pass without finding out what God has to say about your future destiny. 

Nothing could be more important.

Chinese Military

For decades, China was viewed by U.S. strategists as a struggling communist nation with a massive population that really did not represent any kind of strategic threat to the United States at all.  But that has now dramatically changed.  Thanks to trade agreements that are extremely favorable to China, the “Great Dragon” has risen and has become a formidable economic machine.  Already accounting for a fifth of humanity, this new economic muscle has also allowed Beijing to dramatically reform and upgrade the Chinese military.  Now China is without a doubt a world superpower and it stands poised to be a major player on the world stage during the last days.

So just how powerful of an economic force is China now?

Well, in 2010 China is expected to replace Japan as the world’s second-largest economy.

Not only that, but China has overtaken Germany and is now the biggest exporter in the entire world.

Let that sink in for a bit.

China sells more stuff to other countries than anyone else in the world.

That fact alone is enough to make China an economic superpower.

Citizens of the U.S. like to think of themselves as the greatest economic superpower, but the reality is that the average American is drowning in debt.  In fact, the average American piled up even more debt this past Christmas season buying cheap plastic stuff made in China to exchange with family members around the ole Christmas tree.

The truth is that U.S. wealth is flowing into China at a staggering rate, and nobody seems to want to do a thing about it.

And thanks to ridiculously one-sided trade agreements, that arrangement is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

But China’s growing economic power is only one side of the equation.

It is China’s emerging military strength that has U.S. military strategists starting to sit up and take notice.

Very quietly, China has been engaged in one of the greatest military buildups of modern times.

On Wednesday, Wallace Gregson, the Assistant Defense Secretary for Asian and Pacific security affairs, made the following statement regarding China in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee….

“We remain troubled by China’s continued lack of openness and transparency in military affairs.”

The truth is that China has always had one of the world’s largest militaries.  The PLA maintains a force of over two million men, and it is complemented by the world’s third largest air force and the world’s largest small ship navy.

But now China has enough wealth to develop and purchase cutting edge military technology.  The reality is that China is quickly becoming a very serious strategic threat to the United States.

For example, China has just successfully tested a new technology designed to shoot down incoming missiles in mid-air.

In addition, China is also pursuing technology that could home in on and destroy satellites in orbit.

Nobody was concerned about China developing these types of capabilities a couple decades ago.  But now armed with billions of dollars from the West, China is rapidly gaining ground on the U.S. military.

China is rapidly expanding and modernizing their conventional forces as well.  China is planning a massive investment in helicopter production with a goal of increasing its helicopter fleet tenfold by the end of the year.


Yes, you read that right.

There are also rumors that China is planning to build several aircraft carriers, although Beijing is denying those rumors at this point.

There are also reports that the Chinese military is considering setting up military bases and possibly deploying forces in the Middle East over the next decade as a means of protecting its access to strategic materials.

You see, China is heavily invested in the Middle East – particularly in Iran.  In fact, China is Iran’s main customer for oil.  China has plans to invest approximately 43 billion dollars in Iran’s oil industry, and it has expressed serious concerns about a potential attack on Iran by the United States and/or Israel.

And that right there might end up being the key which brings the United States into conflict with China.

The Chinese are not going to sit idly by and watch the United States and/or Israel decimate Iran and cut off one of their key sources of oil.

The growing Chinese economy desperately needs oil to keep on churning.  A reliable supply of oil is of the utmost strategic importance to the Chinese government.

If the United States and/or Israel goes to war with Iran it would likely infuriate China.

In fact, there are many who believe that it is only a matter of time until the United States and China go to war.

Let us hope that day does not come any time soon, but the reality is that China has become a world superpower and it is going to be a major player in the last days. 

Anyone in the U.S. government who does not take China seriously from now on is making a huge mistake.  The Dragon has risen and it is not going away.

The Charter For Compassion: Another Huge Step Towards A One World Religion?

The Charter For Compassion One World Religion

Inspired by a former nun, The Charter For Compassion, composed by leading thinkers in many different faiths, was unveiled to the public on Thursday, November 12th.  At first glance, The Charter for Compassion sounds very noble as it encourages everyone to embrace the “principle of compassion” that “lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions”.  However, it is when the document calls for “a positive appreciation” of “religious diversity” that its agenda becomes clear.  The truth is that The Charter For Compassion represents yet another huge step towards a one world religion, and a bunch of big names are openly supporting it.  The charter’s growing list of “affirmers” includes the Dalai Lama, Queen Noor of Jordan, Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Ali Gomaa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, author Deepak Chopra, author Sir Ken Robinson, actress Goldie Hawn and musician Paul Simon.

The Charter For Compassion sprang from a wish former nun Karen Armstrong was granted in 2008 at a prestigious Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference.  Armstrong is a British author who has penned quite a few works on comparative religion, including the highly successful “A History Of God”.  She has long promoted the idea that all major religious traditions have the same core truths.

Now she has enlisted major religious leaders from across the globe to write and promote The Charter For Compassion, which is little more than a thinly veiled attempt to promote a one world religion.  The Charter For Compassion is posted online in seven different languages, and you can view it for yourself right here…..


The document itself is quite short, and the key language is actually found mostly in the 3rd paragraph.

In the 3rd paragraph, The Charter For Compassion states that it is time for humanity “to return to the ancient principle that any interpretation of scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain is illegitimate”.

First of all, where in the world did the authors of this document come up with this ancient principle?

The truth is that they have come up with it out of thin air.

It is certainly not a Christian principle.

I wonder how John 14:6 would be “interpreted” by the authors.

John 14:6 says this…..

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

That seems clear enough.

Jesus says that He is the only way to God.

But not according to The Charter For Compassion.

According to The Charter For Compassion, we are “to ensure that youth are given accurate and respectful information about other traditions, religions and cultures”.

The reality is that this goes directly against how God directed us to live in the Ten Commandments.

In Exodus 20:3-6, God instructs us in the first two of the Ten Commandments that we are to have nothing to do with other gods…..

“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

But you see that just doesn’t fly in today’s new “politically correct” world.

Instead, The Charter For Compassion commands us “to encourage a positive appreciation of cultural and religious diversity”.

Compare that language with what God told the people of Israel in Deuteronomy 8:19…..

If you ever forget the LORD your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed.

The truth is that the Lord God does not tolerate the worship of idols or false gods.

He never has and He never will.

But for the drafters of The Charter For Compassion, any “god” that you want to believe in is fine, just as long as you “respect” all of the other “gods” that other people want to worship.

In addition, for the drafters of The Charter For Compassion, “a positive appreciation of cultural and religious diversity” means that you should never try to “evangelize” people from other religions because that just would not be very “tolerant” of you.

But the reality is that if you love others, you will help them find eternal life through Jesus Christ.

In John 3:36 it says this…..

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.”

That is what the truth is.  Those who belong to Jesus will have eternal life.  All others will not.

That may sounds “intolerant” to the drafters of The Charter For Compassion, but it is the loving truth.

What the drafters of The Charter For Compassion are doing is promoting the establishment of a one world religion which will one day worship the Antichrist as “the one” that all the major world religions have been waiting for.

To learn more about how the coming one world religion will pave the way for the Antichrist, we encourage you to read our previous article on the subject: Will The Messianic Expectations Of All Major World Religions Pave The Way For Antichrist?

 A video presentation of The Charter For Compassion is posted below.  As you watch this short video, watch for how truth is carefully mixed with deception to promote the idea that all religions need to come together…..

A Plan For Jews And Muslims To Share The Temple Mount?


There is a new push to make the Temple Mount in Jerusalem a site that is shared by Jews, Muslims and Christians, and where a rebuilt Jewish Temple can stand side by side with the Islamic Dome of the Rock that stands there now.

Does that sound absolutely crazy and unrealistic?


But there are scholars and organizations that are actually promoting this idea and working on plans to bring it to fruition.

A recent article that was published in the leading journal of religious law in Israel has sparked a great deal of debate in the Jewish community about the possibility of sharing the Temple Mount.  The article in “Tehumin” discussed the potential for making the Temple Mount into “God’s Holy Mountain” – a “house of prayer” for all people (Isaiah 56:7).

Of course, to many Jews and Christians such a concept would be a blatant abomination, but there are religious authorities in Israel that are taking this idea very seriously.

The article in Tehumin envisioned a scenario where a “holy revelation” is given to an “authentic prophet” that would authorize that the Temple be rebuilt in peaceful proximity to the Dome of the Rock and nearby Christian shrines.

The article also seems to think that such a scenario would be in keeping with the words of the famous 12th Century Jewish sage Maimonides that Christianity and Islam are part of God’s ultimate plan “to direct the entire world to worship God together.”

As unlikely a scenario as this may seem right now, the truth is that this sets the stage for the Antichrist to come on the scene as “an authentic prophet” in the future with a peace plan that would propose just such a thing.

Yoav Frankel, the director of the project promoting a vision of “God’s Holy Mountain” acknowledges the skepticism that many have regarding the project but at the same time expresses a great deal of long-term optimism:

“We offer this vision for a long and deep discussion, and of course want to continue with a parallel research from other religions.”

There is even a website for the project promoting a vision of “God’s Holy Mountain”:


The website depicts a harmonious future for the Temple Mount where Muslims, Christians and Jews mingle between the Dome of the Rock and a rebuilt Jewish Temple.

The project is headed by Jewish members of the Interfaith Encounter Association, and they are actively encouraging all three faiths to consider a new theological outlook which would allow for all three religions to worship there.

However, with tensions increasing seemingly with each new day in the Middle East right now, such a scenario for the Temple Mount is not likely to come to fruition any time soon.

But many Bible prophecy teachers have believed for a long time that just such a scenario some day will come to pass.  After the next great war involving Israel, many on both sides will be crying out for peace.

In such an environment, the Antichrist may just be able to convince both the Muslims and the Jews that a shared Temple Mount would be a great symbol of peace.

But as students of Bible prophecy we know how that would turn out.


For the first time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly endorsed an independent Palestinian state. Netanyahu’s speech at Bar-Ilan University on June 14th in Ramat Gan, Israel was billed as a major foreign policy event, but most analysts did not anticipate how stunning this speech would turn out to be.

For many Jews, to hear Benjamin Netanyahu publicly call for a Palestinian state is absolutely shocking. This is how Netanyahu described how he sees the peace process playing out: “In my vision, there are two free peoples living side by side each with each other, each with its own flag and national anthem.”

Netanyahu did place conditions on a future Palestinian state, however.  He said that any future Palestinian state would have to be unarmed and would have to officially recognize Israel.

Netanyahu’s speech was widely seen around the world as his response to the intense pressure that the Obama administration has been putting on him.  His speech struck a defiant tone in that regard, as he refused to heed Obama’s call for an immediate freeze of construction on lands Palestinians claim for their future state.

In addition, Netanyahu also clearly said that Jerusalem must remain under Israeli sovereignty.

This goes directly against what Barack Obama has been promising to the Palestinians.

U.S. President Barack Obama has been promising the Palestinians a capital inside the city of Jerusalem and has expressed his desire that the holy sites be taken away from Israel and be put directly under international jurisdiction.

WorldNetDaily recently reported that President Obama told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a recent meeting that he foresees the creation of a strong Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Abbas’ top political adviser, Nimer Hamad, reportedly told this to WorldNetDaily: “Abu Mazen (Abbas) heard from Obama and his administration in a very categorical way that a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is in the American national and security interest.”

It is in America’s national interest for the Palestinians to have a capital in the city of Jerusalem?

Are we all suddenly in an episode of the Twilight Zone?

Talk about a really, really, really, really bad idea.

How does anyone come up with an idea that bad?

But giving the Palestinians a capital in Jerusalem is not the end of Obama’s plans for the holy land.

There are also reports that Obama desires for the holy sites in Jerusalem to come under international jurisdiction.

And what is Israel supposed to get for all of this?

Peace guarantees that the Islamic terrorists will break within 6 months?

Both Netanyahu and Obama are quite foolish to try to give away the land of Israel.

The truth is that God gets really, really, really angry when people start trying to give away parts of Israel, and He seems to get even angrier when people mess around with the city of Jerusalem.

On a sister blog, we recently put together a comprehensive article that documents many of the natural disasters that have hit the United States when the U.S. has tried to give away pieces of the land of Israel over the past couple of decades.

But has the government learned anything from these warnings?

Not at all.

The U.S. government seems more determined than ever to carve up the land of Israel and to take the holy sites away from the jurisdiction of Israel.

The truth is that God will not bless the U.S. if it continues these kinds of policies.

It has been said that if the U.S. ends up being successful in dividing the land of Israel that God will divide the United States.

After so many thousands of years of seeing what happens when you mess with Israel, you would think that we all would have learned something.

But the reality is that politicians will continue to mock and ignore God and will try to do what they think is best.  Unfortunately their foolishness will only bring disaster on all of us.

The Mark Of The Beast


Is it wrong for Christians to fear that the “Mark of the Beast” could be implemented in our lifetimes?  Is there any reason to believe that mandatory microchipping of the population is on the horizon?

Well, although there are no known plans by any government in the world to microchip their populations, the technology does exist, and several recent trends seem to indicate that the day when we will see mandatory microchipping of the population is closer than ever.

For example, a shocking new U.S. government plan would embed an RFID chip in all driver’s licenses. Just when privacy advocates thought that the REAL ID program was dead, the federal government has come up with something far, far more sinister.

If this proposal is implemented, the U.S. government would be able to electronically track nearly every adult citizen wherever they go. The possibilities for abuse of such a system are endless. For example, the government would be able to compile attendance lists at anti-government rallies just by walking through the crowd with an ID reader.

This very disturbing proposal actually has the support of Janet Napolitano, the new head of the Department of Homeland Security. Instead of calling them REAL IDs, these new licenses would be called “enhanced driver’s licenses”.

The Department of Homeland Security even has a web page up about these “enhanced driver’s licenses”. On that page they even admit that these new licenses will contain an RFID chip that “will signal a computer to pull up your biographic and biometric data” and could tell a government agent all of your personal details.

Do any of find this disturbing yet?

Of course this is not the Mark of the Beast yet, but it is another step in that direction.

As you read this, RFID chips are being implanted into humans with alarming frequency. For instance, RFID implants are being implanted in older Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease who are at risk of wandering off. RFID human implants are also being used in some areas to store the medical records of patients who are chronically ill so that doctors can get their information quickly in an emergency.

While those uses may sound “good” or “reasonable”, the truth is that the primary use of this technology is to create a “Big Brother” society where everything that you do is tracked, traced and watched by the government. Every time this technology expands, it brings us closer to that day that we read about in the book of Revelation.

PC Magazine is even advocating the microchipping of humans.  In a recent article, one of their writers stated this: “It’s high time we embraced RFID technology in all its permutations, even personal implants.”

The author of that article even advocated the microchipping of our children.

Chip implants can even manipulate human emotions and feelings.  In fact, in one very bizarre application of this technology, scientists in the U.K. are developing an electronic “sex chip” that can be implanted into the brain to stimulate pleasure.

Other more sinister microchip experiments by scientists around the world involve mind control.  Do any of you find it disturbing that the majority of the population could one day be “mind controlled” by the government through mandatory microchip implants?

The use of microchip technology in humans could open the door to abuses that we could hardly even imagine right now.

The reality is that microchipping is becoming commonplace in the United States.  Hospitals, private corporations and security firms are increasingly viewing human microchipping as the most foolproof form of identification.

In particular, financial institutions are eyeing microchip technology as a key to fraud prevention.

The biggest credit card provider in the U.K. says that the plan is for everyone to start paying for their purchases with a microchip instead of a credit card very soon.

“In time you won’t have to carry a plastic credit card around with you if you don’t want to, although some people will chose to for nostalgic reasons,” Barclaycard Chief Executive Officer Antony Jenkins stated recently.

This is just another small step towards the day when everyone in society will be forced to get chipped.

While we are not forced to be chipped yet, the same is not true for some animals in the United States.

Under the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), the FDA is going to start requiring the microchipping of certain types of farm animals and livestock. The homeless, hospital patients and employees of certain corporations are being microchipped in some areas of the United States. This is a technology that is spreading and is not going to go away.

Will you take a microchip someday when the government requires you to do so?

Will you willingly take the chip when they come for you?

It may be really easy to resist it when they introduce it on a voluntary basis at first.

But will you resist it when you cannot have a bank account without it?

Will you resist when you cannot buy or sell without it?

What will you do?

Where will you live?

How will you buy food?

Will you resist when they start putting people without the chip into camps?

Will you resist when they start waterboarding you?

What about when they threaten to put a nail through your eye?

What about when they put you in a cramped, windowless cell and they turn out all the lights and they let dozens of hungry rats in?

What about when they start torturing your children right in front of you?

Will you still resist then?

Will you still resist when they threaten to burn all of your skin off with acid and then throw you into a blazing fire?

Would it be worth it for you to resist?

Why not just make things easy on yourself and take the chip and then you can stay in your house and buy and sell and you can go to work and live normally and the new world order will get of your back?

Perhaps you think that you will never have to face such a choice.

But the Scriptures say that everyone will face this kind of a choice in the last days.

It will be known as “the Mark of the Beast” and we don’t know exactly what form it will take, but Revelation 13:16-17 tells us that if you do not have it on your right hand or your forehead you will not be able to buy or sell without it…..

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Revelation 14:9-11 tells us the ultimate destiny for ANYONE who takes the Mark of the Beast:

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.”

Will you have the power to resist the Mark of the Beast in the last days?

There are some who will.

Only those who have given their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ will have the power to resist when that day comes. We urge you to invite Him into your life today.

Welcome To The Last Days

Welcome to The Last Days.

The world is becoming a chaotic place. We live in times of wars and rumors of wars, of economic collapse, of rising famine, of devastating natural disasters, of environmental destruction and of global plagues.

The world is spinning out of control and things seem to be continually getting worse.

That is because things ARE getting worse.

Politicians, celebrities and religious leaders run around claiming that they have some answers but nobody can seem to even slow down the growing problems.

The world as we all knew it has fundamentally changed, and many Christians are recognizing that the Bible talked about these times. The Scriptures speak of these times as the last days.

These times that are approaching are the times that Jesus spoke of in Luke 21:10-11…..

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

The vast majority of people are not going to know how to handle these things. There will be mass panic and mass rioting as these things begin to take place. When people lose everything that they have worked for all of their lives and they realize that there is no hope, then the very worst of humanity will come out.

These will be the days that the apostle Paul wrote about in 2 Timothy 3:1-5…..

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power.

This website will discuss what the Bible has to say about these last days. In the months and years to come, millions of people are going to be looking for answers as the world falls apart, and hopefully this website can help provide some of those answers.

If you enjoy what you are reading on this site, please help us spread the word about it, because the only way that people will be able to get the information that they need is if they are able to find us.